Monday, April 21, 2008

Outline: Manzanar

Introduction: High school student name Chiro, a Japanese American living in Southern California. She lives with her mother and father and two older siblings Kiyo and Calliou. The year is 1869 and the bombing of Pearl Harbor has just begun.

I. Topic: December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor has officially been attacked and bombed by the Japanese.
a. Subtopic: Having to find a new home.
1. Detail: FBI deputies make their raids through out homes, questioning families if having any association with Pearl Harbor.
2. Detail: Packing up within 48 hours to reach Owens Valley with the help of American Friends Service.
b. Subtopic: Arriving at camp Manzanar in 1942.
1. Detail: Finding a cubicle to stay in, in block 16 of camp Manzanar. Manzanar includes a recreation center, involving social activities, churches, programs, and sports. People from small towns also associate with the people of Manzanar.
2. Detail: Unaccustomed food, unsanitary shelter and stability. Families at the camp receive numbers to be categorized into groups. Families for most stay together and do not have a lot of room nor privacy.

II. Topic: What else goes on outside of camp Manzanar.
a. Subtopic: December 18, 1944 Supreme Court rules that loyal citizens cannot be held in detention camps against their will, the first major step toward the closing of the camps.
1. Detail: Brothers, Kiyo and Calliou get drafted in to war.
2. Detail: All of the social activity groups, recreation center and churches are closing in Manzanar.

III. Topic: Finally reaching freedom.
a. Subtopic: Getting equipped to move and find a new home. Beginning a fresh new start.
1. Detail: Government gives financial aid to those that were held captive in Manzanar.
2. Detail: It still was not safe for American Japanese citizens to move back to their former homes due to racial profiling and hatred.
Conclusion: In the end everyone receives alienable rights, which citizens are born with and cannot be taken away. Every citizen is on his or her free will to do anything.

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