Tuesday, March 25, 2008

United States History in English

United States History is indeed an intresting subject. History teaches us about the past that reflects our lives today. How our history has changed in advantages and disadvantages. I do not usually study United States History in my spare time, that is why students like myself come to school and learn about our United States History. Other than any kind of history I would like to be acknowledged about is my family's history background, though I usually ask my parents for answers. If I were to choose a topic related to United States History that I would be intrested in about learning, I would like to learn about the Holocaust more. For some reason, it has always intrigued me and caught my attention. I do know just a hand full of facts about the Holocaust, for example the concentration camps jews were trapped in captivity and starving for their lives. It really got my attention of how humans could coruptly treat their own kind. One way I could learn about the Holocaust more is most likely using the internet or watching videos of concentration camp victims.

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